
Growth through innovation.

Our innovations are among the industry’s key drivers. They have won multiple awards, are widely praised and enjoy broad recognition among farmers and contractors all over the world.


Growth through innovation.

Our innovations are among the industry’s key drivers. They have won multiple awards, are widely praised and enjoy broad recognition among farmers and contractors all over the world.


The CMOTION, one of the most sophisticated multi-function levers for tractors and agricultural machines, is a formative feature of the uniform control concept in agricultural machinery by CLAAS.

The CMOTION had its premiere in the XERION 5000 and 4500 at the Agritechnica 2009. Ahead of the Agritechnica 2011, this ergonomic multi-function lever was also integrated into the AXION 900 series, followed by the AXION 800 and ARION 600 and 500 series. The new lever has also been optionally available for the LEXION and TUCANO combine harvesters since 2011 and the JAGUAR forage harvesters since 2014. In tractors, the CMOTION currently handles up to ten functions and in combine and forage harvesters seven. The lever allows the hand to rest in a natural position so that all functions can be controlled in a relaxed manner that does not strain the joints.

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